Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1: Getting There Is Half The Fun...

The Saga Begins

We begin our wonderful overseas adventure from Norfolk, VA on Tuesday, October 4, 2011.  We're heading to catch our 12:01am (Wednesday) flight to head for Lajes AFB in Azores, Portugal where we'll catch our next flight to Naples, then on to our final destination, Crete. Wonderful turns to crap in about two seconds when we realize we left a piece of luggage in the taxi and upon calling the taxi service, they want to charge us the same fare to return it to us—so much for good Samaritans. So we proceed to check-in for all the craziness that is our free military flight. While we are waiting to board we are allowed to stay with our pet. For those of you who don’t know, Gibbs is a very excitable dog. Even walking a few too many steps will get him huffing and puffing, and if we are lucky, the huffing and puffing is accompanied by lots of drool. Well, we were lucky and got a heaping helping of all 3 just before the flight. Just before we were about to board, the good samaritan taxi driver delivered our forgotten luggage to us and collected his handsome reward, and Gibbs is carted off to the cargo hold for flight. 
So maybe this isn’t gonna be so bad after all. HA!
We are now on the plane and headed 5 1/2 hrs to our first destination. The flight was not very eventful other than I was stuck in the middle seat and filled with anxiety about Gibbs down below in his crate, so I didn’t really sleep at all. We land and de-plane in beautiful Lajes. We are expected to be there for about an hour, so they bring pets off the plane so that we can walk them and such.
Here is where the real fun begins.
Thirty minutes or so after we arrive, we are allowed to go out and see our pets. This was the most pitiful sight I have ever seen. Poor Gibbs is gasping for air, cannot move, and has eyes the size of matzoh balls. He was very close to the end. As Kip likes to say he was making things right with the Lord at about this time.
Then, what seems like all at once, 2 Air Force vets from the base are there to look at this pile of fur that slightly resembles my dog, my luggage is getting fished from the plane, and after a quick hug and goodbye, Kip is back in his plane seat, buckled in and on his way to Naples because he has no other choice but to head on.  Cut to me on the tarmac…Holy shit! We just got left behind!  Now I  know how Tom Hanks felt in Castaway when he lost that damn volleyball! 
So first thing we do is take Gibbs to a local vet in town who proceeds to give him a shot that makes him throw up the 2 gallons of water he sucked down after the plane ride and then fall fast asleep in about 10 seconds flat. We head from the vet back to the airport so I can get my first European stamp in my passport!  
Gotta have some proof this happened, right?!?!
-drop off Gibbs at kennel to rest.
-get a hotel room.
-check flights out to figure how in the hell I'm going to get off this island (but it's a Portuguese holiday so I need to wait another day).
-make copies of travel orders and dog papers.
-go back to check on Gibbs for last time that day. He is still heavily sedated, snoring like a, well, like a bulldog, with full tongue hanging out.
-back to hotel at about 4pm.   
Time awake: since 10am day before (26 hours) Food intake: 0
At the hotel, I'm unpacking my things and make a horrific discovery…my toiletries bag is somewhere over Europe on the plane I was supposed to be on!! I am left without a toothbrush, deodorant, razor, makeup, etc. I go to purchase these items from the front desk. To my delight the only deodorant left for purchase is the timeless classic,  OLD SPICE. (Hello Ladies.  Look at your man. Now back to me. Now back to your man.  Now back to me.)  Anyway, I can’t tell you what it does to girl's self -esteem to be walking around a military installation with no make-up, hair a hot mess, stuck in thick–ass prescription glasses and reeking of grandpa's cologne.  Oh yeah, that's HOT!
Sleep…sweet sleep.  It's short-lived as I'm woken up by Kip calling to let me know he is stuck in Naples due to strikes in Athens.  At this point, I'm rethinking this whole thing!  I get up and decide to check out what Portuguese hotel food this place has to offer. Finally, I settle on fine, Portuguese microwave pizza, but manage to wash it down with one of the best tasting beers I have ever had.
I settle in and watch the Armed Forces Network (AFN) for a long time (ask anyone in the military about this).  Finally, my eyes are officially closed and day one is officially OVER!